Nitrogen Generator for Heat Treating
Nitrogen Generator For Heat Treating and annealing. Our systems are designed to meet your large demands. We can even incorporate a liquid nitrogen backup for explosive atmospheres applications. Our systems produce nitrogen gas from purities of 95% to 99.9995%. The gas produced is extremely dry which is perfect for your furnace applications. One of the biggest benefits compared to the payback is the temperature of the gas produced. The gas produced from a nitrogen generator is usually at ambient temperature and has a dew point of -40 deg. For more information on this application please visit our parent site. Nitrogen Gas Generators for Heat Treating.
Our systems are size based on hourly flow. Not sure how much nitrogen you are using? We can help, check out our free flow meter rental option. All of our nitrogen gas flow meters include data loggers and a cellular modem. You can view your flow rate in real time and download the usage spreadsheet off our dedicated server. Learn more about our line of FlowMe Nitrogen gas flow meters and data loggers here.